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01. Every day to tell their own time, I was really good 『』.

02. angry is another mistake to punish oneself.

03. life without friends is like life, is not the same as the sun.

04. tomorrow's hope, let us forget the pain of today.

05. life if stripped of ideals, dreams, fantasies, it will be just a bunch of shell of life.

06. LED patent is not the sun, you also may shine.

07. fool with a body to monitor heart, the wise man with a heart monitor body.

08. the only way to obtain happiness is cherish what you have and forget what you do not have.

09. greed is the real poverty, meet the most real wealth.

10. you can get the whole world with love, you can also lose the world with hate.

11.'s value in being the temptation to be determined.

12. Young is the only thing we have the right to weave the dream time.

13. youth never again immediately redeem a classic.

14. there is no language of love, all text is boring.

15. true love should surmount the length of life, the width of mind, soul.

16. the power of love is big enough to make you forget everything, but actually as small sand of envy can not accommodate.

17. When a person is really the moment of consciousness, he gave up pursuit of the wealth of the outside world,ugg shoes, and to pursue his inner world of real wealth.

18. as long as confidence, people will never be defeated.

19. regardless of when you start, it is important not to stop after started.

20. Whether you come to an end, it is important do not regret after ended.

21. If a man is his biggest weakness of the enemy.

22. If a man is his best friend brave.

23. 『not』 exist only in a fool's dictionary.

24. Entertains the highest hope, for the greatest efforts to prepare for the worst.

25. home! Sweet Home! World best

26. Idlers will make people mentally rust.

27. Everything must be the point of view it with manifold.

28. ideals in place, hell is heaven.

29. there is hope in the place, the pain may becomes happiness.

30. all the victories, and conquered his own victory than up, they are insignificant.

31. all the failures,LV boots, and the loss of their failure to compare, is insignificant.

32. God never complain about people's ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of God.

33. The happy life should fill the anticipation, surprise and gratitude.

34. world the most exhausting things falsely.

35. feel that they do and not do, in fact, only in an idea.

36. The first youth is God's; second youth is through their own efforts.

37. less anticipation in advance then the concern of people will be more comfortable.

38. ideas, such as drill, drill down to focus on one thing only power.

39. who does not lose direction, they will not lose their own.

40. If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also ask you to embrace the darkness.

41. regards to not be so careful, but it must be sincere and moving.

42. life is not important to the location of the station, but the move direction.

43. when you can fly, fly, do not give up.

44. When you can dream,chanel boots, do not give up the dream.

45. When you can love, love, do not give up.

46. Life is too short, today, tomorrow may not be able to be abandoned.

47. Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent effort.

48. people always cherish, but forget what you have.

49. Happy to know how to share, to double the pleasure.

50. their first highly of themselves, others will think highly of you.

51. 1 today will exceed two tomorrow.

52. keep in mind; every day is the best day of the year.

53. optimist sees the opportunity in the disaster; pessimist sees the disaster in the opportunity.

54. courage does not mean that fear does not exist, but dare to face the fear, to overcome fear.

55. willing to admit errors are wrong has been changed by half.

56. Tomorrow is the world's fastest piece of land value, because it is full of hope.

57. the ideal way is always ready to have confidence in the people.

58. all the deception, the self-deception is the most serious.

59. biggest mistake in life is to constantly worry about making mistakes.

60. turn your face to the sunlight, there would be no shadow.

61. Experience is the extract from the pain.

62. to face the past with the least remorse.

63. with the least waste of the face now.

64. with the most dream to face the future.

65. happiness is not because it thought to have more than less.

66. Your choice is do or do not, but do not do will never have a chance.

67. If you want to have the perfect friendship, and may never find a friend.

68. unsatisfactory sad fall in. Do not put the time,YSL shoes, think about the days with laughter.

69. think of myself as a fool, do not know to ask, you will learn more.

70. Before correct others, meditate on yourself whether you make mistake.

71. because of fear of failure and not a go, will never be successful.

72. to overcome the anxiety and frustration of life, may learn to be their own masters.

73. You can not control the weather, but you can change your mood.

74. a sense of loneliness and abandonment is the most terrible poverty.

75. imaginations is more important than knowledge.

76. scattershot life is like sailing without a compass.

77. good to play their role, doing my thing.

78. all the great action and thought, there is a small start.

79. complacent should be kind to others, because you will need them when frustrated.

80. learn to do anything to get step by stepmore articles

Life have you

Calculate the relationship between you and another person, the scary, quasi-

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